Great marketing is great service.
The way your property is presented online and in print is as important as having the right price. Realblvd marketing creates an emotional connection with your property's audience and maximizes the sale price. So much more than the property's specifications and typical listing photos.
Trust us to present your property to the world.
Buyers start off with an idea of what they want, however, it usually is an emotional experience that triggered their decision to purchase a property that they didn't initially set out to purchase. Inspired marketing captures this emotional element and broadcasts it to the world. Buyers all over can take that first step to fall in love with your property.
Reach your target buyer.
Attracting the right buyers for your home.
At Realblvd, for each listing, we execute a marketing campaign designed to cast the widest net and target key demographics. We perform traditional "old school" tactics, such as direct mail, open houses, door knocking neighboring homes, in addition to up-to-date syndicated online marketing. The result is a trackable, dynamic marketing system that will reach potential buyers and convey a finely crafted story of the listing.
Features we use to sell your home:
» Strategic home prep by our Turnkey Sale program
» Professional multi-media marketing materials
» Captivating story-telling copywriting
» Targeted Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns
» Ad Placement in Targeted Demographic Publishings

Showcase your home.
Every home has a personality.
Your property has a story to tell. The story comes alive when we uncover a deeper sense of how you live in your home and experience its various spaces and qualities. Our marketing excels at showcasing the emotional elements of each property. We embrace the latest media technology with copywriting and design to transport anyone who encounters our marketing into the space of the property.
Capture the experience.
Present beautifully.
» Photography: We tell the story of your home with photos that capture a deeper sense of how we live in homes.
» Videography: We use professional video and 3D marketing technology that brings a whole new level of experience to our presentation of your property. It gives viewers the feeling of walking through the home prior to viewing.
» Webpage: A custom, SEO rich, google lovin’ website page for every property allows us to successfully market every listing online in a dynamic and consistent way providing visitors to really interact and engage with the spaces of the property.
» Social Media: We place strategic content and social media ads for the world to see your property. Engaging viewers to tour your property’s space on their favorite online websites.
» Print Materials: Print has its place in a marketing program. We take the same care with our print materials as we do with our online marketing. Your listing is syndicated locally and nationally on publications to attract the right audience.